Towards Higher Scalability of Quantum Hardware Emulation - Naveed Mahmud - ICRC 2018

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#IEEE #ICRC #Rebooting Computing #2018 #conference #event #computing #technology #quantum computing #hardware emulation #efficient resource scheduling #spacetime scheduling #quantum emulation #scalable architecture #modular architecture #algorithms #optimization

Graduate student Naveed Mahmud, University of Kansas, presents research findings on behalf of his co-author and advisor Esam El-Araby. Mahmud reviews quantum computing technology and the motivation behind using efficient resource scheduling for hardware emulation, followed by an in-depth background of concepts and algorithms, leading to the proposed methods.

Graduate student Naveed Mahmud, University of Kansas, presents research findings on behalf of his co-author and advisor Esam El-Araby. Mahmud reviews quantum computing technology and the motivation behind using efficient resource scheduling for hardware emulation, followed by an in-depth background of concepts and algorithms, leading to the proposed methods.

