Q&A with Dan Hutcheson: IEEE Rebooting Computing Podcast, Episode 16

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#IEEE #IEEE Rebooting Computing #Rebooting Computing #Moores Law #Quantum Computing #Artificial Intelligence #Supercomputing #Data

"No exponential is forever, but forever can be delayed," said Gordon Moore. In this podcast, Dan Hutcheson, CEO and Chairman of VLSI Research Inc., shares this quote from Gordon Moore and discusses why he doesn't necessarily see Moore's Law ending in the future. He also discusses the technologies he believes are on the horizon including Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Supercomputing and more. In addition, Dan talks about how the massive amount of data that is being produced is actually moving us away from a computer-centric world and into a data-centric world.

Episode 16: Q&A with Dan Hutcheson, CEO and Chairman of VLSI Research Inc.

