26 Years of Risk Management Standardisation - Kevin Knight - Closing Ceremony: Sections Congress 2017

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#IEEE #sections congress #2017 #SC2017 #ICC #Darling Harbour #Sydney #Australia #event #general session #closing ceremony #Kevin Knight #ISO Project Committee 262 #risk management #risk #analysis #improvement #development #framework

Kevin Knight, Immediate Past Chairman of the ISO Project Committee 262, explains what over two decades in Risk Management has taught him. Knight shares a simple and methodical approach to managing risk, in addition to detailed flow charts for more complex processes and systems of analyzing and monitoring projects.

Visit the SC2017 Website: http://sections-congress.ieee.org/

Kevin Knight, Immediate Past Chairman of the ISO Project Committee 262, explains what over two decades in Risk Management has taught him. Knight shares a simple and methodical approach to managing risk, in addition to detailed flow charts for more complex processes.