5G Applications, Services and New Business Models - Ravi Annaswamy - India Mobile Congress, 2018
Secretary for IEEE R10 Mr. Ravi Annaswamy, Innohabit, recalls the network evolution over the past eight years and how things such as MMS, mobile TV, and the IoT have been shaping up. Mr. Annaswamy looks to the demand for service-based applications, opportunities for growth and the market verticals to keep in mind going forward.
Event page: https://tsdsi.in/event/5g-technology-and-standards-track/
Secretary for IEEE R10 Mr. Ravi Annaswamy, Innohabit, recalls the network evolution over the past eight years and how things such as MMS, mobile TV, and the IoT have been shaping up. Mr. Annaswamy looks to the demand for service-based applications, opportunities for growth and the market verticals to keep in mind going forward.