5G UE Phased Array Design - Future X Radio Panel Talk - Ozge Koymen - Brooklyn 5G Summit 2018

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#Brooklyn #5G #2018 #summit #IEEE ComSoc #communications #wireless #NYU #tandon school of engineering #technology #Qualcomm #research #design #phased arrays #UE phased arrays #RFIC #chips #power #business #industry

Panelist Ozge Koymen, Senior Director of Technology at Qualcomm, speaks from a systems perspective on overcoming the challenges of designing UE phased arrays. Koymen reviews where they are in the process, what the architecture looks like, as well as the power consumption model. For all 2018 Brooklyn 5G Summit video, visit: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/event-showcase/brooklyn5g2018

Panelist Ozge Koymen, Senior Director of Technology at Qualcomm, speaks from a systems perspective on overcoming the challenges of designing UE phased arrays. Koymen reviews where they are in the process and more. For all 2018 Brooklyn 5G Summit video, visit: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/event-showcase/brooklyn5g2018

