Setting the Conditions for 2020 - Internet Inclusion: Global Connect Stakeholders Advancing Solutions, Washington DC, 2016

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Thematic Roundtables Part One: What Will It Take? To weave together shared goals and attain common purpose, discussion leaders will set out the parameters of the themes and invite comment and feedback to create a statement of each theme. Several of the themes are linked to the outcomes of the High-Level Roundtable on Internet for All, hosted by the World Economic Forum.

Introduction of themes: Eric White, Project Lead, Internet for All, World Economic Forum Themes and their lead discussants

Improving Data for Internet Inclusion

  • Michael Kende, Internet Society
  • Bonnie Sakallaris, Samueli Institute


Coordination on Basic Digital Skills Training

  • Paul Mitchell, Microsoft
  • Mitchell Baker, Mozilla


Impact Investing for Connectivity

  • John Garrity, USAID
  • John Ryan, People Centered Internet


Gender and the Digital Divide

  • Nilmini Gunaratne Rubin, Tetra Tech
  • Ritu Sharma, SDG Nexus
  • Gary Fowlie, ITU


Infrastructure Development

  • Hervey Allen, NSRC
  • Andres Maz, Cisco


Mapping Gaps for Connect to Thrive

  • Robert Ballance, White House Presidential Innovation Fellow
  • Jim Sterne, People Centered Internet


Policies for Competition

  • Sean Flynn, Scripps College
  • Deepa Prahalad, People Centered Internet


Sustainable Development Goals Impact Framework

  • Jonathan Metzger, NetHope
  • Yasmina McCarty, GSMA eGov/ePublic Services
  • Diego Molano Vega, Minister of ICT of Colombia (2010-2015)


Youth and Connectivity

  • Susan Maravetz, International Connector
  • Skandar Mansouri, IEEE

Thematic Roundtables Part One: What Will It Take? To weave together shared goals and attain common purpose, discussion leaders will set out the parameters of the themes and invite comment and feedback to create a statement of each theme. Several of the themes are linked to the outcomes of the High-Level Roundtable on Internet for All, hosted by the World Economic Forum.

