COVID-19 impact on Indian electricity grid operations and the pan India lights out event of 5th April 2020
ICOVID-19 pandemic has had significant impact on electricity grid operations around the world. India is no exception and the resilience of the Indian electricity grid has been demonstrated during this period. The webinar would dwell on the preparations made by POSOCO to ensure reliable operations of the control centres and the electricity grid. The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India appealed to the citizens on 3rd April 2020 at 09:10 Hrs to switch off their lights and light lamps/ candles on 5th April 2020 at 21:00 Hrs for 9 minutes. While this may sound to be a simple proposition, considering the uncertainty of the collective impact of human behavior, elaborate planning was necessary. The anticipated reduction in all India demand during this period of 9 minutes was around 12000 14000 MW spread over a period of 2-4 minutes considering that only lights would be switched off. However, the total reduction in all India demand recorded during the event was 31089 MW.. The webinar discusses how the coordinated grid operations were conducted to ensure the stability and security of the grid during this unprecedented stress test As India gradually recovers from this pandemic and the containment procedures such as lockdown are eased, its impact the electricity grid operations would also be covered.
This webinar dwells into the technological challenges in managing the Indian Electrical Grid due to the sudden drop in the consumption of power.