Elements Of An Open, Interoperable Architecture For Fog - Fog World Congress 2017

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Panel Moderator Charles “Chuck” Byers, Principal Engineer and Platform Architect in the Corporate Strategic Innovation Group at Cisco, leads the discussion based on the architecture and interoperability of open fog. Panelists include Jim White, Distinguished Engineer of the CTO Office at Dell and Technical Steering Committee at EdgeX Foundry, John Zao, Associate Professor at Taiwan Chiao-Tung University and member of the IEEE Standard Working Group on Fog Computing Architecture Framework, and Maria Gorlatova, Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University. Q&A follows their individual presentations.

Learn more about Fog World Congress at https://www.fogworldcongress.com

Panel Moderator Charles “Chuck” Byers from Cisco, leads the discussion based on the architecture and interoperability of open fog. Panelists include Jim White from Dell and EdgeX Foundry, John Zao from Taiwan Chiao-Tung University, and Maria Gorlatova from Princeton University. Q&A follows their individual presentations.

