EMBC 2011 - Course: Virtual Reality and Robotics in Neurorehabilitation-Sergei Adamovich, PhD
Sergei Adamovich, PhD, New Jersey Institute of Technology, offers a course at the 2011 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. The workshop will introduce participants to a range of robotic systems that utilize virtual reality from the clinical and engineering perspectives. The aim of this workshop is to engage the clinician and therapist in clinical reasoning regarding the best use of rehabilitation systems currently available for treatment of neurological disorders and to engage the engineer in the process of understanding the health care workers' perspective on the use of these systems in an attempt to bridge the gap between research and clinical application.
This course offered at the 2011 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, aims to introduce participants to the use and mechanisms of action of virtual reality and robotics within the field of neurorehabilitation. Presented by Sergei Adamovich, PhD, New Jersey Institute of Technology.