EMBC 2011-Workshop- Biological Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS): Fundamentals and Applications-Mehmet R. Dokmeci

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#2011 #Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference #Workshop #Biological Micro Electro Mechanical Systems #Mehmet R. Dokemi

The 2011 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference Workshop on "Biological Micro Electro Mechanical Systems: Fundamentals and Applications," presented by Mehmet R. Dokemi. BioMicroElectroMechanical Systems (BioMEMS) have seen a surge in growth and has been continuously enabling novel discoveries in Biomedical Sciences. The development of technologies at the microscale has created enabling tools and technologies that are crucial for the advances in life sciences.

The 2011 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference Workshop on "Biological Micro Electro Mechanical Systems," presented by Mehmet R. Dokmeci.

