Workshop on 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks

IEEE hosted this workshop in collaboration with the JHU Applied Physics Lab. The workshop's focus was to discuss the applicability of 5G technologies for tactical and first responder networks and related opportunities and challenges. The workshop provided a platform bringing together 5G experts from industry, academia, and the standards, regulator, and defense communities to discuss various 5G-specific use cases and requirements. The one-day event invited speakers from DARPA, DHS, FCC, NIST, NSF, Columbia University, NYU, Intel, National Instruments, Nokia, AT&T, CERDEC, IEEE, and 3GPP.
Path to 5G & Impacts to First Responders: An AT&T Perspective
Chris Sambar of AT&T gives his perspective on the path to 5G and its impact on first responders. Recorded at the 2018 IEEE Workshop on 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks, hosted by the IEEE Future Networks Initiative.
IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards - Paul Nikolich - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Paul Nikolich, IEEE 802 LSMC Chairman, presents his talk about the low-level building blocks that make way for reliable packet networks. Nikolich also gives insight on the latest updates from 802 regarding the standards created that allow manufacturers to make the systems described by the speakers at the workshop.
Networks Beyond the Reach of Networks: What Roles Can 5G Play? - Henning Schulzrinne - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, talks 5G performance when networks are not readily available. Professor Schulzrinne reviews real-life examples of post-natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, where alternative networks are needed for emergency communication.
The Special Needs of National Security and First Responder Communications: Implications for 5G Evolution - Antonio DeSimone - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Dr. Antonio DeSimone, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, reviews the trends in both commercial and government communications, from the local level to the national level. Dr. Simone examines use cases to highlight the critical nature of emergency response and first responders, tying together 5G’s requirements to function securely in these areas.
mmWave for Future Public Safety Communications - Michele Zorzi - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Michele Zorzi, University of Padova, Italy, talks mmWaves in cellular networks, including the PSC requirements and limitations above 6 GHz. Professor Zorzi reviews the algorithms and architectures for low-latency and reliable mmWave operations, as well as uses cases and possible solutions down the road.
The Next G: What does 5G mean for Critical Communications and Electromagnetic Spectrum Dominance? - Manuel Uhm - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Manuel Uhm, Ettus Research, a National Instruments company, starts off with a key list of technical areas that the company is a known leader in and discusses how 5G will push the boundaries of wireless technology. Uhm explores what it takes to achieve EMS dominance with 5G.
Commercial 5G Technology as a Building Block for Tactical Wireless Communications - Leland Brown and Issy Kipnis - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Both from the Intel Corporation, Issy Kipnis, focuses on 5G technology for handheld devices and mobile, followed by Leland Brown, who narrows in on linking this technology to tactical networks. Kipnis reviews the technical specifications and Brown examines network capabilities, pointing out the infrastructure needed to integrate commercial and tactical networks.
Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication for 5G New Radio - Rapeepat Ratasuk - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018
Rapeepat Ratasuk, Nokia Bell Labs, talks about his research related to radio standards, 3GPP, and massive machine type communications. More specifically, Ratasuk focuses on Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) for New Radio (NR), and reviews its role in 5G along with use cases, requirements, tech specs, and expected near-future integrations.