What is HKN? HKN is the student branch of IEEE and is the organization built up of the best of the best. Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), has a long history of making history. Do you want to be part of history? This is just a little insight into what actually is HKN from those who are a part of it and those who choose to be heavily involved.
Questions Include:
What is HKN? - Specifically, What should your chapter focus on?
How does a Student Branch of IEEE differ and Complement an IEEE HKN Chapter?
For more information about Eta-Kappa-Nu (HKN), please visit their website at: www.hkn.org
Follow HKN on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/IEEE.HKN/
Follow HKN on twitter at: https://twitter.com/IEEE_EtaKappaNu
Follow HKN on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/ieee_hkn/
Follow HKN on SnapChat at: ieee-hkn
What is HKN? HKN is the student branch of IEEE and is the organization built up of the best of the best. Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), has a long history of making history. Do you want to be part of history? This is just a little insight into what actually is HKN from those who are a part of it and those who choose to be heavily involved.