CTP and NSRC personnel teach numerous courses around the world each year to spread knowledge and best practices about wireless networking and assist organizations with installing long distance backbone links and integration of wireless into the campus (or village) LAN. This tutorial focuses on building wireless networks in universities, schools, villages, and other communities of interest to provide Internet access using wireless network technologies, with an emphasis on affordability and scalability. Based on field experiences working in dozens of programs around the world to build wireless infrastructure and train network developers, the program will outline strategies and techniques for planning, deploying and managing wireless networks for research, education and humanitarian use. The tutorial highlights systems-based design, emphasizing participatory development to optimize the best outcome for the local user community. The audience for this tutorial is network developers, service providers, university system administrators, and program managers with NGOs seeking to build wireless networks.
Marco Zenaro gives his 2012 GHTC talk entitled "Building Affordable Wireless Networks for Research, Education and Humanitarian Use"