5G and the Next Industrial Revolution - The transformative power of low-latency services - Ken Budka: Brooklyn 5G Summit 2017

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#Brooklyn #5G #2017 #summit #IEEE ComSoc #communications #wireless #NYU #trends #commercial #research #development #business #future #technology #power #lowlatency #industrial #automation #feedback #system #location #accuracy

Dr. Kenneth C. Budka, Senior Partner of Bell Labs Consulting, presents his talk on 5G and the Next Industrial Revolution. Dr. Budka speaks about the future of automated systems, platforms and infrastructure and what it will take for it to work.

Learn more about the Brooklyn 5G Summit at: http://brooklyn5gsummit.com/

Dr. Kenneth C. Budka, Senior Partner of Bell Labs Consulting, presents his talk on 5G and the Next Industrial Revolution. Dr. Budka speaks about the future of automated systems, platforms and infrastructure and what it will take for it to work.

