Episode 1 - Gert Cauwenberghs - Chip Chat Podcast

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#IEEE #SSCS #ChipChat #Podcast #bioengineering #solid state circuits #low power #brainmachine #neuromorphic

SSCS Podcast Host Satya Mishra interviews Gert Cauwenberghs, professor of bioengineering at University of California San Diego, about his work in the fields of brain-machine interfaces and neuromorphic circuits. Dr. Cauwenberghs shares about his life and research, some key insights into low power circuits, as well as tips for aspiring entrepreneurs.  Learn more about Dr. Cauwenberghs at https://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/faculty/faculty_bios/index.sfe?fmp_recid=282

SSCS Podcast Host Satya Mishra interviews Gert Cauwenberghs, professor of bioengineering at University of California San Diego, about his work in the fields of brain-machine interfaces and neuromorphic circuits. Dr. Cauwenberghs shares about his life and research, some key insights into low power circuits, as well as tips for aspiring entrepreneurs.  

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