Heritage Circle - Mittra

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A recently established award was named after Dr. Raj Mittra and another IEEE Foundation donor, Dr. Roger F. Harrington. The IEEE Harrington-Mittra Award in Computational Electromagnetics was established in 2013 to recognize the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding contributor to the area of Computational Electromagnetics.

Raj donates to the IEEE Harrington-Mittra Award Fun, "to recognize outstanding contributions in the area of Computational Electromagnetics, an area which has played such an important role in the lives of both Roger and me." He says, "the IEEE Foundation has been very helpful in making my wish come true by facilitating the establishment of this award." Raj's dedication to giving is recognized in the IEEE Heritage Circle as an Honored Philanthropist. 

"The IEEE Foundation makes a significant difference in the lives of IEEE members through its unique programs for Grants and Awards," says Raj. He says, "the IEEE Foundation deserves the support of IEEE members because of the way it manages these programs in a professional manner on the behalf of IEEE members." Raj added, "I firmly believe that for IEEE awards, the only way to go is through the IEEE Foundation, which is a highly professional organization, and a pleasure to work with."


A recently established award was named after Dr. Raj Mittra and another IEEE Foundation donor, Dr. Roger F. Harrington. The IEEE Harrington-Mittra Award...

