HKN Member Preethika Kumar Receives Award at 2015 EAB Awards Ceremony

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IEEE-HKN Member Preethika Kumar, receives the C. Holmes Macdonald Outstanding Teaching Award at the 2015 EAB Awards Ceremony held in New Brunswick, New Jersey on November 20, 2015. Preethika Kumar has received this award because she is among the few professors that has shown how important and crucial it is to train and motivate future engineers in their fields of interest of IEEE. The program identifies those who have demonstrated (early in their careers) special dedication and creativity in their teaching responsibilities. Preethika Kumar is an Associate Professor at Wichita State University and has shown that she has the willingness and ability to learn what her students need and want, and is able to work with them to provide the best learning environment possible. She encourages students to do their own research and works diligently to make each class purposeful and attention grabbing. It is an honor to have Preethika Kumar as a member of IEEE HKN and a teacher of the future generation of engineers. For more information about Eta Kappa Nu, look for us on the web at or contact us at

IEEE-HKN Member Preethika Kumar, receives the C. Holmes Macdonald Outstanding Teaching Award at the 2015 EAB Awards Ceremony held in New Brunswick, New Jersey on November 20, 2015.

