Ignite! Session: Jennifer Trelewicz

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In this short segment of 2014's Sections Congress "Ignite!" sessions, Jennifer Trelewicz discusses how to engage with mid-career professionals. IEEE Sections Congress, held every three years since 1984, provides IEEE Section leadership with a priceless opportunity to impact the future of IEEE. Dr. Jennifer Trelewicz is an active professional and researcher in Signal Processing and Information Technologies for almost 30 years, having taught courses in universities, worked at the director level in leading technology companies, and served in IEEE and other professional organizations, including most recently as President of the Technology Management Council (Society as of 2015). She has numerous publications in international, refereed journals and conferences and 28 patents in various countries. Her current research interests involve semantic methods for processing "big data".

In this short segment of 2014's Sections Congress "Ignite!" sessions, Jennifer Trelewicz discusses how to engage with mid-career professionals.

