2017 IEEE Honors: IEEE Simon Ramo Medal - John S. Baras

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#IEEE #honors #ceremony #awards #recognition #2017 #San Francisco #life fellow #internet #internetoversatellite #IoS #MBSE #modelbased #systems engineering #software #manufacturing #security #aerospace #automotive #energy

IEEE Life Fellow John S. Baras, also a fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors, is being recognized for exceptional contributions to the conception and commercialization of Internet-over-Satellite systems (IoS), and for leadership in model-based engineering, systems science and engineering research. Baras’ development of secure IoS operation using layered encryption security is now an international standard. Baras also developed and demonstrated model-based systems engineering (MBSE) as crucial to solving challenges in software-intensive systems.

View the official program link for more details http://online.qmags.com/IEEEAwards17?pg=9&mode=2#pg11&mode2

Read more about the IEEE Honors Ceremony at https://www.ieee.org/about/awards/honors_ceremony.html


IEEE Life Fellow John S. Baras, also a fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors, is being recognized for exceptional contributions to the conception and commercialization of Internet-over-Satellite systems (IoS), and for leadership in model-based engineering, systems science and engineering research. Baras’ development of secure IoS operation using layered encryption security is now an international standard.

