2017 IEEE Honors: IEEE Honorary Membership - Sir James Dyson

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#IEEE #honors #ceremony #awards #recognition #2017 #San Francisco #honorary membership #vacuum cleaner #entrepreneurship #industrial design #manufacturing #engineering

Sir James Dyson, developer of the world’s first bagless vacuum cleaner and many other novel devices pervasive to our society, is being recognized for achievements in industrial design, entrepreneurship, and manufacturing technology. The award is also given for Dyson’s services to the engineering profession, and those who have rendered meritorious service to humanity in the IEEE’s designated fields of interest and who are not members of the IEEE. Dyson has demonstrated his commitment to engineering and students of engineering by supporting a new technology hub at Cambridge University, and at the Imperial College of London.

View the official program link for more details http://online.qmags.com/IEEEAwards17?pg=9&mode=2#pg11&mode2

Read more about the IEEE Honors Ceremony at https://www.ieee.org/about/awards/honors_ceremony.html

Sir James Dyson, developer of the world’s first bagless vacuum cleaner and many other novel devices pervasive to our society, is being recognized for achievements in industrial design, entrepreneurship, and manufacturing technology. The award is also given for Sir Dyson’s services to the engineering profession, and those who have rendered meritorious service to humanity in the IEEE’s designated fields of interest and who are not members of the IEEE.

