Smart Cities and IEEE's Future Directions
Smart cities have been around for some time now, but the IEEE has gotten involved in the creation and upkeep of smart cities very recently through its Future Directions Committee. In this video, Roberto Saracco, an important volunteer of the IEEE Future Directions Committee, explains what a smart city is, how a city can become a smart city, why smart cities are so important today, and how the IEEE is working to create more smart cities in all of its ten regions. Roberto is joined by Steven Collier and Charles Despins, other volunteers of the IEEE. Roberto also discusses briefly what kind of work is being done in Guadalajara, Mexico, one of the earliest cities to jump on the smart cities bandwagon, and how the IEEE is involved in this work. Roberto Saracco is the President of EIT Italy and Node Director of EIT Italy based in Trento (European Institute for Innovation and Technology). He is a senior member of IEEE in that he joined over 20 years ago. In the last 15 years he has held several leading roles and conducted a number of DLTs and DSPs. Currently he is the Director of the Sister and Related Societies of COMSOC. He has published over 100 papers in journals and magazines, six books including "The Disappearance of Telecommunications", which was published in the USA by IEEE press, and several articles in the scientific section of daily newspapers. He has also delivered speeches and keynotes at many international conferences.
"Smart cities" is a big buzzword in the technology and engineering world today. Find out why everyone's been talking about smart cities, what a smart city is, and how the IEEE is involved in smart cities in this short video featuring IEEE volunteers!