The Next G: What does 5G mean for Critical Communications and Electromagnetic Spectrum Dominance? - Manuel Uhm - 5G Technologies for Tactical and First Responder Networks 2018

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#IEEE #5G #workshop #first responders #tactical responders #technology #networks #crisis response #natural disaster #community #internet #infrastructure #access #connectivity #communications #National Instruments #EMS #AI #smart cities #smart homes #autonomous driving

Manuel Uhm, Ettus Research, a National Instruments company, starts off with a key list of technical areas that the company is a known leader in and discusses how 5G will push the boundaries of wireless technology. Uhm explores what it takes to achieve EMS dominance with 5G.


Manuel Uhm, Ettus Research, a National Instruments company, starts off with a key list of technical areas that the company is a known leader in and discusses how 5G will push the boundaries of wireless technology. Uhm explores what it takes to achieve EMS dominance with 5G.


