What members say about IEEE Communications Society

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#IEEE Communications Society #IEEE ComSoc #membership

The IEEE Communications Society is community comprised of a diverse group of industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies. To that end, the Society sponsors publications, conferences, educational programs, local activities, and technical committees that: Foster original work in all aspects of communications science, engineering, and technology. Encourage the development of applications that use signals to transfer voice, data, image, and/or video information between locations. Promote the theory and use of systems involving all types of terminals, computers, and information processors; all pertinent systems and operations that facilitate transfer; all transmission media; switched and unswitched networks; and network layouts, protocols, architectures, and implementations. And strongly advance developments toward meeting new market demands in systems, products, and technologies such as personal communications services, multimedia communications systems, enterprise networks, and optical communications systems.

The IEEE Communications Society members stay on top of the world of communications technology by accessing up-to-the-minute technical information, networking with other experts in the field, and leveraging many other exclusive benefits.

