Intro to Women in Photonics - 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference

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#IEEE #photonics #society #optics #optical #communications #women #women in photonics #past president #dalma novak

Past IEEE Photonics Society President, Dalma Novak (2014-2015), presents an introduction to the Women in Photonics program, which supports the participation, engagement and advancement of women in the photonics and optics community.

The IEEE Photonics Conference, previously known as the IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, offers technical presentations by the world’s leading scientists and engineers in the areas of lasers, optoelectronics, optical fiber networks, and associated lightwave technologies and applications. Read more at

Past IEEE Photonics Society President, Dalma Novak (2014-2015), presents an introduction to the Women in Photonics program, which supports the participation, engagement and advancement of women in the photonics and optics community.

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