John Brzozowski: IPv6 at Comcast - InterOp-Ware Industry Forum Panel: WF IoT 2016

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#IEEE #WF IoT #World Forum #Internet of Things #Internet #IoT #2016 #Reston #VA #technology #future #event #conference #panel #IPv6 #Industry Forum Panel #panelist #John Brzozowski #Comcast #infrastructure #service #network #broadband

Fellow and Chief Architect of IPv6 at Comcast, John Brzozowski briefly shares his experience and objectives for his talk, including what IPv6 looks like on a large broadband network as the underlying platform for IoT. Brzozowski reveals the next steps towards service and infrastructure with IPv6 only.

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Fellow and Chief Architect of IPv6 at Comcast, John Brzozowski briefly shares his experience and objectives for his talk, including what IPv6 looks like on a large broadband network as the underlying platform for IoT. Brzozowski reveals the next steps towards service with IPv6 only.

