Keynote Peggy Johnson on Authenticity in the Workplace - IEEE WIE ILC 2017

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#IEEE #WIE #WIE ILC #2017 #women #engineering #professional development #San Jose #conference #event #Peggy Johnson #Microsoft #business #executive #authenticity #professional communication #keynote #motivational speaker

Executive Vice President of Business Development at Microsoft, Peggy Johnson, shares her personal stories about how bringing your authentic self to the workplace is key to a successful career. Formerly at Qualcomm, and graduate from San Diego State University, Johnson explains how she made to her current position. Following her plenary talk is a brief Q&A from the audience, via the event’s app.

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Executive Vice President of Business Development at Microsoft, Peggy Johnson, shares her personal stories about how bringing your authentic self to the workplace is key to a successful career. Following her plenary talk is a brief Q&A from the audience, via the event’s app.

