Michele Nitti: Searching the Social Internet of Things by Exploiting Object Similarity - Special Session on SIoT: WF-IoT 2016
Michele Nitti, from the the University of Cagliari, speaks about how the future of IoT relies on objects searching and connecting with other objects without human interaction. Nitti explains how the SIoT is a paradigm of “social network of intelligent objects”, and shares modeling formulas, simulation results and considerations for parameters in object environments.
Learn more about WF IoT 2016 at: http://wfiot2016.ieee-wf-iot.org/
Michele Nitti, from the the University of Cagliari, speaks about how the future of IoT relies on objects searching and connecting with other objects without human interaction. Nitti explains how the SIoT is a paradigm of “social network of intelligent objects”.