Profiles in Volunteering - Pais

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#Profiles in Volunteering #Adrian Pais #IEEE GOLD #Humanitarian Efforts #Zambia

Think globally and act locally, is the philosophy of Adrian Pais, 2009 chair of Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD). Pais is an IEEE member who's plan is to help GOLD groups organize local humanitarian workshops that feature presentations by engineers involved in such projects. This offers an opportunity where the engineers can share their experiences and advise GOLD members looking to get involved in community outreach. This video explains how Pais is working to bring the internet to local communities in order to give students access to ideas on how to make their communities more successful and efficient.

Adrian Pais, 2009 chair of IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), helps GOLD groups organize local humanitarian workshops that feature presentations by engineers involved in such projects. He works to give them internet access, so that local students can discover ways to make the community around them more successful and efficient.

