Network Slicing, Use Cases and Adoption Challenges - Ilaria Brunelli - 5G World Forum Santa Clara 2018
Keynote Ilaria Brunelli, Head of the Ericsson team at the AT&T Foundry, talks network slices and the three types that are shown as 5G use cases. After detailing use cases, Brunelli delves into 5G capabilities with networking slicing and the adoption challenges ahead.
Recorded at the 5G World Forum - to attend the 2019 5G World Forum, register here:
Keynote Ilaria Brunelli, Head of the Ericsson team at the AT&T Foundry, talks network slices and the three types that are shown as 5G use cases. After detailing use cases, Brunelli delves into 5G capabilities with networking slicing and the adoption challenges ahead.
Recorded at the 5G World Forum - to attend the 2019 5G World Forum, register here: