Echo-planar imaging (EPI), which is the main workhorse of functional MRI, suffers from field inhomogeneity-induced geometric distortions. The amount of distortion is proportional to the readout duration, which restricts the maximum achievable spatial resolution. The spatially varying nature of the T2* decay makes it challenging for EPI schemes with a single echo time to obtain good sensitivity to functional activations in different brain regions. Despite the use of parallel MRI and multislice acceleration, the number of different echo times that can be acquired in a reasonable TR is limited. The main focus of this work is to introduce a rosette-based acquisition scheme and a structured low-rank reconstruction algorithm to overcome the above challenges. The proposed scheme exploits the exponential structure of the time series to recover distortion-free images from several echoes simultaneously.
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Multi-Echo Recovery with Field Inhomogeneity Compensation Using Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Echo-planar imaging (EPI), which is the main workhorse of functional MRI, suffers from field inhomogeneity-induced geometric distortions. The amount of distortion is proportional to the readout duration, which restricts the maximum achievable spatial resolution. The spatially varying nature of the T2* decay makes it challenging for EPI schemes with a single echo time to obtain good sensitivity to functional activations in different brain regions. Despite the use of parallel MRI and multislice acceleration, the number of different echo times that can be acquired in a reasonable TR is limited. The main focus of this work is to introduce a rosette-based acquisition scheme and a structured low-rank reconstruction algorithm to overcome the above challenges. The proposed scheme exploits the exponential structure of the time series to recover distortion-free images from several echoes simultaneously.