Panel: SRC Decadal Plan for Semiconductors - ICRC San Mateo, 2019

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#IEEE #ICRC #Rebooting Computing #panel #roadmap #semiconductors #research #energyefficient #computing #logic #memory #interconnect #brain #microelectronics #quantum computing

Moderator Jim Ang, Pacific Northwest National Lab, leads the discussion with panelists Victor Zhirnov (Semiconductor Research, Corp), Matt Marinella (Sandia National Laboratories), Titash Rackshit (Samsung), and Rafic Makki (Mubadala) on planning the next ten years in semiconductors including the U.S. Department of Energy’s interest in microelectronics. 

Audience Q&A following the individual presentations of each speaker.


Moderator Jim Ang, Pacific Northwest National Lab, leads the discussion with panelists Victor Zhirnov (Semiconductor Research, Corp), Matt Marinella (Sandia National Laboratories), Titash Rackshit (Samsung), and Rafic Makki (Mubadala) on planning the next ten years in semiconductors including the U.S. Department of Energy’s interest in microelectronics. 

