Parallelized Linear Classification with Volumetric Chemical Perceptrons - Jacob Rosenstein - ICRC 2018

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#IEEE #ICRC #Rebooting Computing #2018 #conference #event #computing #technology #chemical engineering #neural networks #chemical computation #research #parallel chemical MNIST #chemical data #linear classification #perceptron classifier

As part of his team’s effort at the Brown School of Engineering, Jacob Rosenstein presents research on computing performance based on the use of chemicals. Rosenstein explains at the chemical system of neural networks and parallelized chemical computation solutions such as information encoding and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

As part of his team’s effort at the Brown School of Engineering, Jacob Rosenstein presents research on computing performance based on the use of chemicals. Rosenstein explains at the chemical system of neural networks and parallelized chemical computation solutions such as information encoding and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

