Part 1: Derek Footer and Miku Jah - Agricultural Food Systems Panel - TTM 2018

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#IEEE #TTM #Technology Time Machine #technology #business #panel #agtech #agriculture #data #aggregation #food assessment #food quality #AI #automation #global #natural resources

Panel moderator Upkar Daliwal, IEEE TTM 2018 Local Arrangements, briefly introduces the panel topics and prompts the speakers to give their introductions. First up for their presentations is Derek Footer, HardTech Labs, discussing their AgTech focus on data discovery, aggregation, and analysis. Following Footer’s talk is Miku Jah, AgShift, focusing on reinventing food quality assessment with Artificial Intelligence.


Panel moderator Upkar Daliwal, IEEE TTM 2018 Local Arrangements, briefly introduces the panel topics and prompts the speakers to give their introductions. First up for their presentations is Derek Footer, HardTech Labs, discussing their AgTech focus on data discovery, aggregation, and analysis. Following Footer’s talk is Miku Jah, AgShift, focusing on reinventing food quality assessment with Artificial Intelligence.


