Critical Update: KeyTalk with Cian O'Mathuna

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#APEC #Energy #Conferences #Keynotes #Power #Green Energy #PELS #IEEE #power on chip #

This is Must See!

This presentation is an update on progress in the area of power supply on chip, based on the presentations made at the 3rd International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip (PowerSoC2012) which was held in San Francisco in November 2012. Co-sponsored by the Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) and IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS), the workshop brought together the leading global industry and academic players to discuss the challaneges and opportunities, from both the technology and commercial perspectives, in this emerging space.

Enjoy this KeyTalk with Cian O. Mathuna.

Enjoy this KeyTalk with Cian O. Mathuna.

This presentation is an update on progress in the area of power supply on chip, based on the presentations made at the 3rd International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip (PowerSoC2012) which was held in San Francisco in November 2012. Co-sponsored by the Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) and IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS), the workshop brought together the leading global industry and academic players to discuss the challaneges and opportunities, from both the technology and commercial perspectives, in this emerging space.

