Public Knowledge/Access Now Panel - Internet Inclusion: Global Connect Stakeholders Advancing Solutions, Washington DC, 2016
This session launches the Draft Principles and Recommendations on Connectivity Investment and Human Rights, and the Global Connect Working Group on Connectivity, Human Rights, and Development to a broader audience. These principles aim to ensure that initiatives and funding for connectivity projects and infrastructure account for human rights at their core and implement these by design.
The panel discussion features some of the key leaders who have supported and engaged with the Global Connect Initiative since its inception and who coordinated the drafting of the human rights principles. The goal of the session is to present the importance of the human-rights-based framework and discuss next teps for multistakeholder engagement and future government adoption and Implementation.
• Moderator: Peter Micek, Global Policy and Legal Counsel, Access Now
• Chris Lewis, Vice President for Government Affairs, Public Knowledge
• Deborah Brown, Senior Project Coordinator, Association for Progressive Communications
• Stuart Hamilton, Deputy Secretary General and Director of Policy and Advocacy, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
This session launches the Draft Principles and Recommendations on Connectivity Investment and Human Rights, and the Global Connect Working Group on Connectivity, Human Rights, and Development to a broader audience. These principles aim to ensure that initiatives and funding for connectivity projects and infrastructure account for human rights at their core and implement these by design.