Regular Expression Matching with Memristor TCAMs - Cat Graves - ICRC 2018

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#IEEE #ICRC #Rebooting Computing #2018 #conference #event #computing #technology #research #network security #regex #regular expression matching #malicious attacks #TCAM memristor #TCAMRRAM accelerator #finite automata #network architecture #benchmarking

Cat Graves, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, looks at performing and accelerating regular expression (RegEx) matching, which is a key function in network security. Graves reviews the hardware TCAMs, and the key use in identifying malicious attacks, as well as the experimental results of her research group’s findings.

Cat Graves, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, looks at performing and accelerating regular expression (RegEx) matching, which is a key function in network security. Graves reviews the hardware TCAMs, and the key use in identifying malicious attacks, as well as the experimental results of her research group’s findings.

