IEEE Member-only icon Some Thoughts on a Gap Between Theory and Practice of Evolutionary Algorithms - WCCI 2012 Some Thoughts on a Gap Between Theory and Practice of Evolutionary Algorithms - WCCI 2012

Some Thoughts on a Gap Between Theory and Practice of Evolutionary Algorithms - WCCI 2012

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#Zbyszek Michalewicz #WCCI #2012 #history #evolutionary computation #challenges #IEEE CIS #CIS #conference #key talk #alorithms #evolutionary #support systems #history

Professor Zbigniew Michalewicz at the School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia, presents his motivation behind his thoughts on modern (integrated) Decision Support Systems (iDDS). Professor Michalewicz offers a historical and academic perspective of evolutionary algorithms, as well as current challenges and issues with optimization.

Read the report from WCCI 2012:



Professor Zbigniew Michalewicz at the School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia, presents his motivation behind his thoughts on modern (integrated) Decision Support Systems (iDDS). Professor Michalewicz offers a historical and academic perspective of evolutionary algorithms, as well as current challenges and issues with optimization.


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