Speaker Deepak Maheshwari - ETAP San Jose 2015

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#IEEE #ETAP #Internet #Governance #cyber #security #cybersecurity #privacy #speaker #technology #Deepak Maheshwari #india #government #director #ASEAN #symantec #data #law #information

Deepak Maheshwari, Director of Government Affairs in India and ASEAN Region, Symantec, briefs the attendees on the sheer volume of 330 million Internet users in India and the social impact of Internet activities when embraced by government officials. Maheshwari also emphasizes the importance of sharing data between information agencies and law enforcement agencies. 

Read more about this event at: http://sites.ieee.org/etap-sanjose/program/

Deepak Maheshwari, Director of Government Affairs in India and ASEAN Region, Symantec, briefs the attendees on the sheer volume of 330 million Internet users in India and the social impact of Internet activities when embraced by government officials. Maheshwari also emphasizes the importance of sharing data between information agencies and law enforcement agencies. 

