Spiking Network Algorithms for Scientific Computing - William Severa: 2016 International Conference on Rebooting Computing

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For decades, neural networks have shown promise for next-generation computing, and recent breakthroughs in machine learning techniques, such as deep neural networks, have provided state-of-the-art solutions for inference problems. However, these networks require thousands of training processes and are poorly suited for the precise computations required in scientific or similar arenas. The emergence of dedicated spiking neuromorphic hardware creates a powerful computational paradigm which can be leveraged towards these exact scientific or otherwise objective computing tasks. We forego any learning process and instead construct the network graph by hand. In turn, the networks produce guaranteed success often with easily computable complexity. We demonstrate a number of algorithms exemplifying concepts central to spiking networks including spike timing and synaptic delay. We also discuss the application of cross-correlation particle image velocimetry and provide two spiking algorithms; one uses time-division multiplexing, and the other runs in constant time.

William Severa delivers a talk on neural networks, at ICRC 2016.

