Tackling Cyber-Hate, Incitement and Dangerous Fake News - Andre Oboler - Ignite: Sections Congress 2017

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#IEEE #sections congress #2017 #SC2017 #ICC #Darling Harbour #Sydney #Australia #event #Ignite #brief #Andre Oboler #CEO #Online Hate Prevention Institute #OHPI #social media #news #online #technology #humanity #cyberhate #antisemitism #ethics #society #free speech #challenges #IEEE Computer Society

Dr. Andre Oboler, CEO of the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI), ponders if the advancement of technology is actually creating new problems for humanity? Looking at both the good and bad sides of online media, Dr. Oboler explains what OHPI seeks to accomplish and how we can affect change on a local level.

Ignite sessions follow a strict 5-minute presentation format, filmed at the Exhibition Hall during Sections Congress 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

Visit the SC2017 Website: http://sections-congress.ieee.org/

Dr. Andre Oboler, CEO of the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI), ponders if the advancement of technology is actually creating new problems for humanity? Looking at both the good and bad sides of online media, Dr. Oboler explains what OHPI seeks to accomplish.

