Tech Super Stars Panelist - John Graham: 2016 Technology Time Machine

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# IEEE #technology #time #machine #technology time machine #conference #event #computers #computing #communications #tech #super stars #panel #technology #computer science #john graham #military #management #engineering #big data #scaling #iot #internet of things #networking #brain #2016

COL John Graham, Ph.D, West Point’s Associate Dean for Research and Chief Scientist and founder of the Network Science Center, presents his talk on the topics at large in regards to the Army, Navy and Airforce. Graham covers subjects including Exponential Scaling, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cybersecurity and the brain. 

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COL John Graham, Ph.D, West Point’s Associate Dean for Research and Chief Scientist and founder of the Network Science Center, presents his talk on the topics at large in regards to the Army, Navy and Airforce. Graham covers subjects including Exponential Scaling, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cybersecurity and the brain. 

