Additive-generative Industrial Design for Robotic Automation

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Axel Thallemer (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Additive-generative Industrial Design for Robotic Automation

Teaching by research and tutoring Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students of Industrial Design focusing on low-cost/low-tech robotics with the emphasis on simplicity by smart mechanics powered by artificial muscles co-developed by the speaker for Festo. For both innovation and strategic design management education is shown via case studies how to teach through research in a multidisciplinary manner. Blurring boundaries of professional compartmentalisation and contrary to fragmentation of knowledge are leading towards a new era of innovation by not mimicking nature. Visualisations clearly depict the design process, the managing of both the conceptual development and the alternative morphologies resulting in the final prototypes in comparison to the common industrial solutions. In the presented project this method is being illustrated via pneumatic gripper systems. Three bio-mimetically induced end effectors are designed and protoyped by additive-generative fabrication. Subsequently it is shown, that these three grippers may not be manufactured by traditional production methods.

Bio: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Axel Thallemer is Full Professor with tenure at National University of Singapore and Deputy Head of Research for Industrial Design. In his fifteen years of employment by industry he designed at R&D center of Porsche, followed by founding and being Head of Festo Corporate Design, afterwards freelance consulting in industrial context. Previous professorships were in Munich, Hamburg and Austria (Dean and Chair of Industrial Design at Linz university, scientifically repositioning Bachelor and Master curricula under the academic brand “scionic®”); currently there are some 16 additional visiting professorships and circa 35 patents. Life Fellow of The RSA in London, founded 1754 and i/IDSA, IEEE, ICED as well as ICoRD and JED reviewer. Member of project group formulating action recommendation “Additive Fabrication” for German Industry on behalf of acatech – German National Academy of Science and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities.

Axel Thallemer (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Additive-generative Industrial Design for Robotic Automation

Teaching by research and tutoring Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students of Industrial Design focusing on low-cost/low-tech robotics with the emphasis on simplicity by smart mechanics powered by artificial muscles co-developed by the speaker for Festo. For both innovation and strategic design management education is shown via case studies how to teach through research in a multidisciplinary manner. Blurring boundaries of professional compartmentalisation and contrary to fragmentation of knowledge are leading towards a new era of innovation by not mimicking nature. Visualisations clearly depict the design process, the managing of both the conceptual development and the alternative morphologies resulting in the final prototypes in comparison to the common industrial solutions. In the presented project this method is being illustrated via pneumatic gripper systems. Three bio-mimetically induced end effectors are designed and protoyped by additive-generative fabrication. Subsequently it is shown, that these three grippers may not be manufactured by traditional production methods.

