IEEE 5G Podcast with the Experts: The 5G Energy Gap A Fatal Flaw for 5G Deployment?

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#5G #utility grid #IoT #Edge computing #energy harvesting #energy gap #networks #utilities

As massive 5G networks are being deployed in full speed in 2020, there is a potentially fatal flaw lurking in the supporting infrastructure, the utility distribution network. The 5G Energy Gap describes the uncertain ability of the utility grid to meet load energy requirements of potentially billions of devices while maintaining grid reliability. The Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, edge computing and other technologies and network trends increase the issue exponentially. Energy Harvesting (EH) solutions can supplement or even mitigate the multitude of tiny power requirements of systems where it matters most, at the edge. Scavenging every form of physical, ambient energy from the surrounding environment, EH spares the utility grid and power plants, and is a critical factor in addressing the 5G Energy Gap.

The 5G Energy Gap A Fatal Flaw for 5G Deployment? - IEEE 5G Transmissions: Podcasts with the Experts An IEEE Future Directions Digital Studio Production

