IEEE 5G Podcast with the Experts: The Main Transformative Aspects of 5G

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#IEEE #IEEE 5G #5G #Podcast #Technology #Mobile

This installment of IEEE 5G Transmissions: Podcasts with the experts, talks about the main transformative aspects of 5G with Dr. David Soldani. Dr. Soldani is an IEEE Senior Member and Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Network Magazine. He is the head of 5G technology, end-to-end and global, for Nokia Germany, and he is an industry professor at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

This installment of IEEE 5G Transmissions: Podcasts with the experts, talks about the main transformative aspects of 5G with Dr. David Soldani. Dr. Soldani is an IEEE Senior Member and Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Network Magazine. He is the head of 5G technology, end-to-end and global, for Nokia Germany, and he is an industry professor at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

