IEEE WEBINAR SERIES-April 2, 2014 - Understanding Mosfet Parameters: We Do Need Even More Footnotes in Mosfet Datasheets

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This webinar addresses multiple misconceptions widely spread among the electronic system design community in regard to MOSFET parameters. The material is based on the presenter's experience with supporting MOSFET applications for 3 years. It should be equally useful to both young engineers and seasoned design experts in the field of electronic equipment design, as well as to component and test engineers with power and system design companies. The material uncovers multiple "hidden" or not quite obvious ways to correctly interpret MOSFET datasheet specifications. This webinar is based on the 3-hour Professional Education Seminar (PES) presented by the author at APEC-2013 while he was a North America Product Applications Engineer with Vishay Siliconix. The APEC PES title was "Understanding MOSFET Parameters: Do We Need Even More Footnotes in MOSFET Datasheets?".

This webinar addresses multiple misconceptions widely spread among the electronic system design community in regard to MOSFET parameters

