Q&A with Bruce Kraemer: IEEE Rebooting Computing Podcast, Episode 24

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#IEEE #IEEE Rebooting Computing #Future Directions #Rebooting Computing #Rebooting Computing Week #Computing #CMOS #Quantum Computing #Quantum #Analog Neuromorphic #Optical Computing #Photo Optical Computing #Semiconductors #Standards

We had the opportunity to speak with Bruce Kraemer, Past President of IEEE-SA and Chair of the IEEE Industry Summit on the Future of Computing, at Rebooting Computing Week in November 2018. He discussed the next 20 years when it comes to computing, why he believes additions to digital CMOS are promising, how Quantum Computing and Analog Neuromorphic could come into play and how optical and photo optical computing will tie in as well. As a member of the IEEE for more than 30 years, Bruce Kramer has a wealth of knowledge in multiple industries including semiconductors, developing standards and more.

Episode 24: Q&A with Bruce Kraemer, Past President of IEEE-SA and Chair of the IEEE Industry Summit on the Future of Computing

