Q&A with Chris Franzino: IEEE Big Data Podcast, Episode 5

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#Big data #website analytics #future outlook

Episode 5 of the IEEE Big Data Podcast features a Q&A with Chris Franzino, IEEE Future Directions' Outreach and Portal Specialist.

The Internet put the "big" in big data. Website analytics has been the cornerstone of every brand's trend-spotting and forecasting efforts. Because a website is a living, breathing presence, data is being collected round-the-clock. In fact, you reading this sentence right now is a data point that's being collected. And that vital information is being harvested and interpreted by people like Franzino. As IEEE Future Directions' Outreach and Portal Specialist, he lives in the weeds of Internet data; every click means something to him. Our interview with Mr. Franzino is a glimpse into the importance of analytics and how the data is used to determine tomorrow's site upgrades.

Episode 5 of the IEEE Big Data Podcast features a Q&A with Chris Franzino, IEEE Future Directions' Outreach and Portal Specialist.

