Q&A with Eric Perreault: IEEE Brain Podcast, Episode 1

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#IEEE #Brain #IEEE Brain #podcast #Biomedical Engineering #Muscle Mechanics #Neurology #Neuromechanics #Robotics #Neuro

Episode 1: Q&A with Eric Perreault, Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Northwestern University and Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Welcome to the IEEE Brain Podcast Series, an IEEE Future Directions Digital Studio Production. In this podcast series, we'll be talking with inspiring researchers who are using their skills as engineers to advance our understanding of the brain. Our first guest is Dr. Eric Perrault, Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Northwestern University and Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Perrault works tirelessly to understand the muscle mechanics of the upper extremities, particularly the arm, following neural motor injuries due to a stroke or spinal cord injury. How does he do it? Through research and experimentation around how the brain controls movement, collaboration with other researchers and scientists working in neuromechanics, using robots attached to unimpaired subjects and much more. His work doesn't come without a few challenges, but Dr. Perrault is pursuing his research with the end goal of helping the very people he's working to save.

Episode 1: Q&A with Eric Perreault, Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Northwestern University and Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

