Regenerative Energy Storage Systems for Hybrid Electric and Battery Electric Vehicles

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#ieee #engineering #power electronics #vehicles #PEVs #power electronic vehicles #hybrid vehicles #automotive engineering #battery #regenerative energy storage systems

IEEE's Power Electronics Society has been hosting Webinars nearly once a month as part of an ongoing series. These educational Webinars go into great depth about current issues in the developing projects of electrical engineers, such as methods of providing sustainable energy and the mathematical algorithms and calculations involved in making such energy sources work properly. Dr. John Miller describes in this presentation what regenerative energy storage systems are, how they work in specific devices, and how to apply them to hybrid vehicles with the best results. He focuses on electrochemical energy storage in PEV traction drive applications. Dr. John Miller is a seasoned member of the automotive industry, with 20 years of experience in the field of automotive engineering, research, and development under his belt. He is also an active contributor to his field, with over 170 papers published and five books out now, including Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Systems.

Dr John Miller delivers a presentation on regenerative energy storage systems for hybrid vehicles, focusing on electrochemical energy storage and its use in power electric vehicles.

