The Other 5G: 60 GHz Wifi Access / B-Haul Solutions - Arogyaswami Paulraj - Brooklyn 5G Summit 2018
Keynote speaker Dr. Paulraj, inventor of the MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) concept in 1992 which is the key to today’s 4G cellular and WiFi wireless networks, shares details on the maturing technology of mmWave distribution networks. Paulraj covers what the network area looks like, deployment, beamforming and more. For all 2018 Brooklyn 5G Summit video, visit:
Keynote speaker Dr. Paulraj, inventor of the MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) concept in 1992 which is the key to today’s 4G cellular and WiFi wireless networks, shares details on the maturing technology of mmWave distribution networks. For all 2018 Brooklyn 5G Summit video, visit: